Dog Signs of Stress
How many signs of stress can you find in the dog to the left? Stressed dogs give off a variety of sign, but many are easy to miss because they're as small as eye movements or just a few hairs standing up. The more we learn about these different signs and practice observing them in our dogs, the more quickly and accurately we will [...]
A Promise to Your Dog
Before you embark on your behavior and training journey with us, know that modifying behaviors is a process. There are no quick fixes or immediate solutions. Though they can seem tedious, small steps are usually the fastest and most effective path to lasting success. While our staff will be coaching you along the way, behavior change takes time and effort. To ensure we are [...]
Say “No” To Dog Parks: Here’s Why & Better Alternatives
Say “No” To Dog Parks: Here’s Why & Better Alternatives By Kimberly Archer Dog Behavior Technician As a dog parent you just want the best for your pup, and as such most of us want to provide our dog with a rich social life. The easy way to do this is to regularly take your dog to the dog park... or is it? Though dog [...]
A Positive Outlook on Canine Aggression
by Anna Francesca Bradley Reactivity indicates a dog is not comfortable in a given situation. Photo (c) CanStock Photo Reactivity indicates a dog is not comfortable in a given situation. Photo (c) CanStock Photo It usually starts when I receive a call from a distressed client who informs me that their dog is, or has, suddenly turned ‘aggressive.’ They tell me their dog [...]
Non-Aggressive Behaviors as a Precursor to Outright Aggression
Non-Aggressive Behaviors as a Precursor to Outright Aggression A great article from Pet Professional Guild. It is free to join as a pet if you want to get these blogs and have access to free member webinars! :)